Saturday 16 November 2019

Cakes and Biscuits and Things

I've been very fortunate to be able to travel the world
My work career has not been the normal 9-5. It's been all over the shop, so I've always eaten on the go.
For the past 10 years I've been travelling from country to country and living and working out of a suitcase, which means, cooking has never been my thing
I'm not a foodie and I mostly eat because I'm hungry.
I have tried food from all around the country, some I like, some not so much
Now I'm home, I'm actually cooking and eating what I make. Nothing special but sometimes I get creative. The things I'm creating are just easy things, that to me are quite exciting and fun to make. To others, it will seem like, "Really, I've done that all my life"
I remember early 2000s, I made Popcorn for the first time ever in a clear pyrex pan and I was amazed. How cool it was.
Now, I'm excited to make Brownies, how simple are they to make, why have I never done this before. (Because I've never had a base to live and lived on the go). I'm proud when I make Rocky Road, crunch on my own Crackers and nibble on my Herb Flatbreads and much on my chewy or crunchy oat biscuits
I stick to the ingredients, however, I also mix things up and chuck anything in that seem tasty.
So, my creations are nowt special, but to me, I'm Proud
Note: The pics are not professional done

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